Boost Mobile
Conversion Rate Optimization, Project Management
Company Boost Mobile
I managed the Boost website projects and worked with the Boost web team to identify site and system efficiencies to optimize such as website layout, site satisfaction survey, product sort and filter, coverage map technology, and Omniture analytics.

+ Conversion Rate Optimization
+ Project Management/Producer
PLATFORM: Alfresco
CHALLENGE: When Sprint acquired Virgin Mobile, the Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile web teams merged to become the Sprint Prepaid Group. Boost Mobile’s web team did not have
producer to manage website change requests
process in place for web changes
project management tool
an optimized website
SOLUTION: I moved from the Web Operations position to become the Prepaid Web Producer. I created and implemented a change request process, and project management tool, and trained the Boost Mobile web and business teams on the process and PM tool.
In addition, I worked with the Boost web team to identify site and system efficiencies between the two separate websites to optimize such as website layout, site satisfaction survey, product sort and filter, coverage map technology, and Omniture analytics.